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Guiding principles

Vague, changing, and non-regional-based demands of biodiversity conservation, e.g. towards agriculture, are a major cause for ineffectiveness of supporting measures. An explicit conception of goals in the form of guiding principles is therefore a necessary step to concretize the overarching goal of facilitating insects in agricultural landscapes.

Guiding principles are well-defined conceptions of goals for development of landscapes with varying degrees of concretization that should guide future action and navigate societal and practical processes. In the sense of a co-design, goals and interests of different stakeholders should be included in the development of guiding principles to reach acceptable solutions for achieving the transformation towards insect-friendly agricultural landscapes.

In FInAL, the development of guiding principles will occur stepwise, systematically, and in an integrated way. An initial definition of target organisms relevant for agricultural landscapes and compilation of factors that contribute to their decline to shape these factors in a way to promote insects are essential.

Landscapes differ in their local characteristics, their usage, and in their configuration of semi-natural habitats and small-scale structures. Because of this, occurrences of insects (or insect groups) vary regionally. This has to be taken into consideration when guiding principles are conceptualized for the study areas. The formation of guiding principles takes place with regional actors in a participatory manner and can be done in group discussions with all relevant participants from science to agricultural praxis. Such a co-design process serves to include various interests and concerns. Further, it helps developing practical and accepted guiding principles.


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